by Admin
Posted on 04-08-2022 03:34 AM
Hematochezia is bright red blood or fresh-looking blood in dog stool which stems from the lower digestive tract or colon. Hematocheza may appear on a firm formed stool or in diarrhea. The distinctive bright red color of hematochezia indicates that the blood comes from the lower part of the digestive tract and has only traveled a short distance through the dog's body. Common causes of hematochezia include viral diarrheas, colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and cancer.
If your dog releases a soft and loose stool that loses shape when picked up, there could be issues with its digestive system. The problems may emanate from: new diet: if you feed your dog with a new diet, the soft, loose feces may be formed as the dog’s digestive tract tries to break it down. Though this type of stool should not cause tension, you should introduce the new diet slowly to avoid corrupting the animal’s digestive system. High water intake: the mushy stool may also result if the puppy takes too much water than its body needs. Defective colon: sometimes, the loose stool may result from the colon’s inability to absorb water and minerals from the food waste.
This is the red flag of all red flags when it comes to signs of health problems that you can see in dog poop . You’ll need to get your pet medical attention quickly if you see blood in their stool. If the blood is red, the issue may be affecting the lower part of the dog’s digestive system. If the blood appears black, it’s possible that bleeding is occurring in the upper part of the gi tract. Now, the reason for the bleeding could be medication, or it could be an ulcer. An ulcer requires immediate care. Only your vet will know for sure what’s going on, so get your pup in for an exam immediately.
Ah, yes. Coprophagia. Otherwise known as the act of eating feces, whether its one’s own or another creature’s. It’s common, it’s gross, and it can be harmful to dogs. So why do dogs eat poop? believe it or not, the jury’s still out on what drives dogs to eat stool. However, there is an endless number of theories as to why your dog might be doing it: it’s natural – it's common for mother dogs to eat their puppies’ feces during the first three weeks of lactation, which helps protect the puppies and keep their environment clean. Puppies are orally fixated and may eat their own poop (and any other deposits they can find).
Most pups poop once or twice a day. If your dog’s constipation seems painful or strained, lasts more than a couple days, or is accompanied by symptoms like vomiting or loss of appetite, it’s a good idea to contact your veterinarian. If your pal passes blood or mucus while trying to poop, they may also be dealing with a more serious issue. Constipation can be linked to a wide variety of ailments, including worm infestations , kidney disease, nervous system disorders, and even cancer.
What “normal” color is varies from dog to dog, breed to breed, and can change depending on the type of dog food they’ve eaten. In general, the color should be medium brown and neither too soft and liquidy ( diarrhea ) or too hard to pass comfortably ( constipation ). Pay attention to your dog’s “healthy” poops (color, consistency, and frequency), so you can recognize when there’s a problem.
One of the most common causes of white poop is a diet that is high in calcium, which causes a change in the color of the poop. Dogs that consume a lot of bones will often have white poop. Most of the time, white poop caused by too much calcium isn’t too concerning for dogs, but too much calcium may cause constipation. If you’re noticing your dog straining when trying to go potty, it may be time to see a veterinarian.